UARS Weekly Status Report

9 October 1998


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 09 Oct 1998



SOLSTICE continues to operate normally, collecting solar data on all 
available orbital tracking periods and stellar calibration observations, 
whenever possible.  


SUSIM successfully gathered its normal solar, offset, and occulation
data during this past week without apparent problems.


     PEM is now conducting tests of the OBC activation.  PEM activation
occurs during daylight only, when there is adequate power generated from 
the UARS solar array.  Currently, the PEM magnetometer and medium energy 
spectrometers (particles below 30 keV) activate correctly under OBC control.
Tests conducted on the high energy particle spectrometers failed to enable the
instrument correctly.  These tests show failure to enable high voltage power,
however it is felt that the communication rate is currently too high to the HEPS
microprocessor/PEM processor bus and this effect is masking high voltage 
activity.  The PEM team is investigating this result.  High voltage tests are
planned with out processing the majority of the microprocessor commands, which
reset detector characteristics for scientific validity.  If the high voltage
tests are successful, then additional tests of the communication rate will be
needed to configure the microprocessor to the proper state.


Nothing received.


MLS was reactivated successfully on Oct 6 and is scheduled to operate though
Oct 10. The MLS team is operating the instrument in a mode for diagnosing the
reoccurance of slips in the antenna scan mechanism, and to attempt to find a
method of operating the instrument which minimizes the impact of these slips on
scientific data.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Routine processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues  
with no problems.  The MPG continues to assist the Project 
Scientist with the scheduling of instrument operations. 
We welcome Monica Todirita as a new member of the Mission
Planning Group.


CDHF personnel will be closely monitoring the temperature and humidity
this upcoming weekend (10/09/98 - 10/12/98) due to the planned chilled
water and steam outage.  If needed, Building 23 will have portable A/C units
available for use.  Current plans do not include any interruption in
CDHF services during this time.

The CDHF has received a total of 425 CD-ROM requests as of 09-October-1998.
There were three orders received and shipped.

The CDHF processed current day data through level 3 for all active
instruments. Additionally, CDHF personnel reprocessed: (R)= Requested
   (C) = Complete, (F)= Failed  (L) = Days remaining to reprocess.           
             78 days HAL (4.80) PROD (L1)    (1873R-1638C-24F=211L)
            135 days HAL (4.80) PROD (L3)    (1873R-1017C=856L)
             62 days SOL (4.62) PROD (L2-L3) (2349R-1748C=601L)
              4 days SUS (7.00) TEST         (4R-4C=0L)
CDHF pending software upgrades: IDL 5.1, OpenIngres. 

This report covers 26 September 1998 (Orbit 38474, GMT Day 269) through 02 
October 1998 (Orbit 38578, GMT Day 275).


The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing) and 
is performing nominally under two-battery operations.  The instrument 
operational changes were:


             Instrument     Time        Orbit     Comment
               HALOE      269/2321     38489      Off
                HRDI      272/1950     38532      Day Only
                PEM       273/2004     38547      Testing
                PEM       274/1517     38559      Testing
                PEM       274/2010     38562      Testing
                PEM       275/1214     38573      Testing

A summary of Instrument operations supplied by the Mission Planning Group 
for the month of September 1998 is contained in Appendix F, UARS Instrument 
Operations Summary.

The beta angle ranged between 17.1 degrees to 10.1 degrees for this report 
period. The beta angle is now increasing toward a maximum angle of 48.0 
degrees on 17 October 1998 (DOY 290).

A Reverse-to-Forward Yaw Around maneuver (number 72) was successfully 
executed in Orbit 38529 beginning 272/14:24:59 and completing at 
272/15:02:09 on 29 September 1998.  Due to the SA position at 269 degrees, 
the effective night length of the spacecraft after the maneuver was 
approximately 50 minutes.  Post maneuver analysis of data indicate that 
during the Yaw Around, the end-of-night load bus voltage was 24.0 volts and 
the average depths of discharge (DODs) on Batteries 2 and 3 were 
approximately 23.0 and 23.0 percent respectively.

A manually generated SSPP stellar offset experiment requested by SOLSTICE 
was performed on 29 September 1998 (GMT Day 272).

Initial operation of HRDI utilizing the Power Monitor "day only" 
operational capability occurred on 29 September 1998.  Day Only HRDI 
operation has changed the heater control requirements for the instrument.  
HRDI heater cycling is under analysis.  PEM transition to day-only 
operation was initiated on 30 September and continued through 02 October 
1998.  PEM operation is partial and investigation is underway to verify 
command sequences for high voltage operation.

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues. Battery 1 
remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently 
maintaining greater than 23.8 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage.  
Battery temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 
and Battery 3 of 0.9 to 1.3 degrees C.  Additional battery performance data 
for each battery on 25 September 1998 and 02 October 1998 are provided in 
Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from 0.3 to 9.9 msec during this report period.  
Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial 
excursion of ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for 
this report.  A summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-
Of-Limits occurrences are listed in Appendix B.

%     ALERTS        =     01
%     OUT-OF-LIMITS =     08

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed 
operational element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A). 

%     FOT     06
%     HALOE   01

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in 
Appendix E and summarized below.

%     FOT     04

One (1) Anomaly Report remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see 
Appendix E).

     Transponder A:  98/210  -  2287.496941
     Transponder B:  98/211  -  2287.499161


Three (3) operational support problems occurred this period.  Anomaly 
Reports are included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from 
mission start through UTC Day 98/274 show the observatory data loss to be 
21 hours, 08 minutes, 31.876 seconds (an increase of 1 minute and 45.536 
seconds since last report period).  This is a 0.0343 percent data loss 
which equals a 99.9657 percent data capture for the mission.

The increase of 1 minute and 45.536 seconds occurred on Day 270 and was due 
to hits in the data, line errors, and insufficient overlap.



FOT continues to improve a power profile for UARS based on the current 
status of the Modular Power System.

Investigation continues into possible impacts of the Leonid meteorite 
shower in November 1998.


UARS Test and Training Simulator (UTTS) - No change.

User Planning System (UPS) - The FOT was unsuccessful in transferring 
simulated Y2K TDRS contacts to the CMS.

Multi Satellite Operations Control Center (MSOCC) - The FOT generated some 
sample ATC, RTS, and ephemeris loads for Y2K POCC/AP testing.  
Unfortunately, the FOT is currently unable to transfer and block these Y2K 
loads using the back-up DFLX system (DFLX2).  This is due to the inability 
in getting the loads to DFLX2.  The original testing plan restricts the FOT 
from using the operational DFLX for Y2K testing, so until this issue is 
resolved, the Y2K CMS loads cannot be processed.  The Y2K CMS software 
developer is currently working on resolving the problems between UCMSB and 
DFLX2.  In the meantime, permission to use the prime CMS and DFLX to 
transfer Y2K loads is being investigated

At the POCC/AP Year 2K test team weekly meeting, the FOT provided Mr. Brown 
with a draft memo which answered the majority of the action items from last 
weekUs Y2K meeting.  Also, at this meeting, Mr. Brown showed the FOT 
several printouts indicating that a previously identified Y2K problem 
(regarding invalid year depiction on the Event and other reports) had been 

Command Management System (CMS) - The FOT assisted in CMS Y2K test team in 
further testing on the back-up CMS system this week.  The two groups 
attempted to finalize as much testing as possible so the appropriate test 
reports could be written to meet the 30 September test deadline.  The FOT 
still has yet to receive a valid S/C Orbital Events file from FDF, so 
approximately 50 percent of the CMS functions could not be tested.  
Unfortunately, the majority of the CMS processing accesses the CMS 
Scheduling Events Pool file, which must contain UARS orbit numbers (which 
are extracted from the missing S/C Orbital Events file).  Although the 30 
September deadline has arrived, further testing will continue as soon as a 
valid Orbital Events file is provided by FDF.

The UPS has a "test" mode in which the user can transmit "non-confirmed" 
TDRS events to the CMS, but CMS does not appear to be accepting the files 
from the UPS and processing them correctly.  This process, as well as other 
alternatives to getting Y2K TDRS data on the CMS is still being 

Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) - See Command Management System.  FOT has 
yet to receive a valid S/C Orbital Events file from FDF.


Space Network (SN) - Declared successful at the IP Transition ORR.

Testing with the NCC 98 system to support routine flight operations is 
being planned.

Deep Space Network (DSN) and Ground Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network 
(GSTDN) - No change and incomplete.


The B/D thruster refill effort continues.  The Eaton Latch Valve test 
report is still being reviewed by the UARS FOT.  Jackson and Tull reported 
that the latch valve drivers and cables for the propulsion line refill test 
should be available next week.


Flight operations is providing support to the re-engineering effort to 
process the UARS telemetry on the TOMS/EP control center computer system.  
The software performance continues to be evaluated.


The FOT met with Eddie Brown and Rick Sanders of the POCC/AP Year 2K test 
team on 30 September to discuss possible Year 2K impacts on the UARS 
POCC/AP software.

UARS supported the IP Transition Operational Readiness Review (ORR) 
conducted on 01 October 1998.  One chart was prepared stating that the 
TDRSS testing was successful but the Deep Space Network (DSN) testing is 

The next battery telecon is scheduled for 20 October 1998 at 1:00 pm.


The next UARS Yaw Around Maneuver is scheduled for scheduled for 02 
November 1998.

UARS will pass through the Leonid meteor shower on 17 November 1998 at 
19:43 UTC (+/- 3 hours).

The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) issued  a Time Service 
announcement advising that the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) 
will retard UTC time by 1.0 second at the end of December 1998. This means 
the addition of one leap second as the last second of 1998.

The next annular solar eclipse will occur on 16 February 1999 over the 
Indian Ocean, Australia and the South Pacific Ocean.



Attachments:  Appendix A,  Real-time Commands Sheets
              Appendix B,  Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences
              Appendix C,  Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections
              Appendix D,  UARS Battery Performance Data
              Appendix E,  UARS Anomaly Reports
              Appendix F,  UARS Instrument Operations Summary

                               APPENDIX A
                       REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                      Week ending 02 October 1998

ORBIT        AOS        NO.       SUBSYS           REASON
-----        ---        ---       ------           -------  
38489     269/2321     98-365     HALOE        Power OFF
38532     272/1950     98-366     HRDI         Power On thru PMON 
38547     273/2004     98-367     PEM          PEM/PMON control
38559     274/1517     98-368     PEM/PMON     Testing
38562     274/2010     98-369     PEM/PMON     Testing
38573     275/1214     98-370     PEM/PMON     PEM Test
38575     275/1643     98-371     OBC/PMON     HRDI Heater 


                               APPENDIX B
                      Week ending 02 October 1998

MNEMONIC     STATE      DESCRIPTION                       ORBITS
---------    -----      ------------                      ------
WIFWTEMP     Y-LO     WINDII Filter Wheel Temp     38474
WIISUTEMP    R-LO     WINDII ISU Temperature       38474-496,38530,31
HRPSEQBIMON  Y-HI     PSE Quiet Bus Current Mon    38479
NBRECBI      Y-HI     NBTR B Total Current         38479,542
ACTEMPANA1   Y-LO     Temperature AN1              38545
HRPTSPBIMON  R-LO     PTS Pulse Bus Current Mon    38553
PEPCUZEPSIE  R-LO     PCU/ZEPS Current Monitor     38553,554
PEPCUPRIIE   R-LO     PCU Primary Current Monitor  38575

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

MNEMONIC              DESCRIPTION              ORBITS
---------             ------------             ------
WIISUTEMPRL     WINDII ISU Temperature     38474-496,38530


                               APPENDIX C
                      Week ending 02 October 1998

                      CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS

     ORBIT              TIME                 CLOCK RATE CHANGE
     -----              ----                 -----------------
          None this report period


                               APPENDIX D
                      Week ending 02 October 1998

     25 Sept 1998 - GMT Day 268 Beta = 17.1 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)    CURR (amp)   EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN      MIN     RATIO   DOD(%)
---  ------------  ----------  -----------  -------  -------  ------
1  +728.0/+728.0 -3.05/-4.31    +0.0/ +0.0   18.1    0.000    0.0
2   +50.4/0.0    +6.76/+5.15   +31.6/-16.0   24.2    1.023   22.8
3   +33.6/-44.8  +5.47/+3.87   +30.4/-16.4   24.2    1.021   22.2

     02 Oct 1998 - GMT Day 275 Beta = 10.1 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)    CURR (amp)   EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN      MIN     RATIO   DOD(%)
---  ------------  ----------  -----------  -------  -------  ------
1  +728.0/+728.0 -3.68/-4.94    +0.0/ +0.0   18.1    0.000     0.0
2   +44.8/-5.6   +4.51/+3.55   +30.4/-13.2   26.4    1.022    20.4
3   +33.6/-22.4  +3.23/+2.60   +28.8/-12.8   26.4    1.022    19.7

ORB#   TIME          LVL FR-TO
-----  --------      ----------
          no changes (V/T 5)

                               APPENDIX E
                         UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                      Week ending 02 October 1998

                        NEW ANOMALY REPORTS GENERATED
 ------   ------    -----      ----       ---      -----------------
98-064     FOT     38482     269/1154     N/A     Unable to Command/No Loss
98-065     FOT     38496     270/1016     20220   Data Drop-out/Yes     
98-057     FOT     38521     272/0240     14170   Generic Late Acquisition
98-066     FOT     38572     275/1214     14170   Generic Late Acquisition

 ------   ------    -----     ----       ---      -----------------
98-057     FOT     Sept 98   See List    14170    GENERIC LATE ACQ
98-061     FOT     38385     263/00:30   20202    AP CRASH
98-062     FOT     38447     266/04:01            TMON 1 & 2 TRIP
98-063     FOT     38456     267/18:43            ATC LOAD ERRORS
98-064     FOT     38482     269/11:54            UNABLE TO COMMAND
98-065     FOT     38496     270/10:16   20220    DATA DROP OUTS

  -------  ------  -----      ----       ---      -----------------
                    None this report period

                         OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
  ------   ------  -----      ----       ---      -----------------
98-066     FOT     Oct 98    See List   14170     GENERIC LATE ACQ

                               APPENDIX F
                      Week ending 02 October 1998

              INSTRUMENT SUMMARY FOR MONTH OF September 1998 (hours)

                                     UNPLANNED   UNSCHEDULED
              ON    Day-    OFF         OFF         OFF     
                    Only           (Insufficient  (Other
Instrument (Actual) Ops (Scheduled)   Power)      Problem)       COMMENTS
---------- ------  --- ----------- -----------  -----------  --------------

ACRIM        544          169          7     0

HALOE        615          99           6     0

HRDI         166     4    550          0     0     See Note 1

MLS          164          556          0     0

PEM (axis)   41           439          0     0

PEM (zeps)   97           623          0     0

PEM (neps)   0            720          0     0

SOLSTICE     713          0            7     0

SUSIM        540          170         10     0

WINDII       196          524          0     0

Note 1.     Day-Only operation started on 30 September 1998

Cold side of spacecraft was facing northward:   28.5 days
Cold side of spacecraft was facing southward:   1.5 days